John McDonald

In the poignant chronicles of John McDonald's life, the story takes us into theheart-wrenching journey of a man sentenced to an astonishing 60 years for a mere actof possession. For over a decade, John has endured the torment of a prisonenvironment that he describes as unfit for any human soul.

The emotional toll is profound as John reflects on the excruciating difficulty of beingincarcerated for an act that society now permits, with the substance in question readily available in stores. The agony intensifies as he grapples with the reality of a world thathas moved on, leaving him behind in the unforgiving confines of a prison cell.

Prison has not only stolen years from John's life but has also claimed significant partsof his identity. The weight of profound losses and a persistent sense of depression casta long shadow over his existence, making every passing day a struggle.

In a desperate bid for freedom, John submitted a parole request in March 2023, only toface a judge's denial due to a bureaucratic misstep that left him unable to appear incourt. As he waits for the judge to reinstate his parole petition, the uncertainty of hisfuture hangs heavy, a painful reminder of the human drama that unfolds within theintricacies of the justice system.

Amidst the adversity, a glimmer of hope is felt as John is reminded that people like himARE being released. John must obtain the necessary paperwork in order to see if he qualifies for parole. His story, a touching tale of emotional hardship, unveils the raw andpainful realities faced by individuals navigating a justice system that often seems indifferent to the human suffering it perpetuates.

"To be sitting in prison for something they are selling in stores now is very heartbreaking."
John McDonald
"I lost so much coming to prison, this is no place where a person is fit to be."
John McDonald